Quiet Book for Toddlers
DIY Quiet Book for Toddlers The past few days I've been doing crafts for the little man. The little man also loves to tinker, so we make a nice mess together. After some inspiration from Pinterest I am now making Quiet Book pages. Relax work and the toddler likes to play with it.
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How to easily order quality meat online
How to easily order quality meat online Are you eating less meat these days?? You hear and read it a lot. People still eat meat, but less and when they do eat meat they choose quality meat. Meat so delicious, you’ll feel like you’re eating in a restaurant at home. But where to buy good…
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Little Cactuz- making the world a little better every day
Little Cactuz- making the world a little better every day Sustainable, natural and organic. People are increasingly aware of the environment, nature and our plastic consumption. Also Little Cactuz. This Dutch label makes sustainable baby and children’s clothing. And you can think along!
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With step by step explanation
Make a valentine card. With step by step explanation Whether you need a card for your partner, secret love or a family member, make one yourself this year Valentine’s card. These DIY ideas for Valentine’s cards vary from one with heart to sweet notes, so there is always one that is suitable for that person…
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The solution to LEGO blocks lying around
The solution to LEGO cubes lying around There is a lot of LEGO® in the house. And this still causes some clutter and annoyances. Both for the boys, when they lose a cube and for me when I ’m stepping on a cube again late at night. At one point we bought -via marketplace- a…
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